Top 5 benefits of using cat puzzle feeders

Cat puzzle feeders offer several benefits for both you and your cat.  There are several options available.  The best way to determine which one is the better option for your cat, have a look at this list of benefits:

1.     Puzzle feeders increases mental stimulation

Puzzle feeders for cats can mimic how they would hunt in the wild where food is not always readily available in a bowl.  Some puzzle feeders cater to your cat’s desire to dig out their food while others aim at getting them to try to figure out how to get to the food.  By providing your cat with a way to play into that hunting instinct, you can help them stay stimulated.   

2.      Puzzle feeders help slow down fast eaters

Cats have a high tendency to eat really fast and then they get sick.  A slow feeder is a great solution since your fur baby has to do certain things before they can get the food which forces them to eat more slowly. 

The slow feeder breaks up the food into smaller portions and forces you cat to take breaks between portions.  This is great for overeaters.

3.     Puzzle feeders can help with weight management

It is estimated that about 50 percent of cats now are obese which means they weight 20 percent more than what is considered a normal weight for a cat. Obesity can lead to all kinds of problems for Kitty and can dramatically reduce their lifespan. 

Because puzzle feeders require you feline friend to move around while they’re eating, they’re also burning more calories as well as slowing down which helps with weight management. 

4.     Puzzle feeders can help prevent bad behaviour

This I speak from lived experience.  For some reason lately, my cat Kitty has been more restless than usual and has started meowing a lot and scratching the furniture.  So, I started feeding her dry food in the puzzle feeder again and she seems to have calmed down.

Cats have a tendency of causing trouble when they’re bored or don’t have a way to scratch their hunting itch.  Once they’ve eaten and have felt their desire to hunt fulfilled, they are ready to nap rather than getting into places they shouldn’t.

5.     Puzzle feeders can help build a stronger bond

This is my favorite benefit.  Kitty loves to show me how well she’s done with the puzzle feeder and she loves when I encourage her to find the food, she hasn’t found yet.  When I first brought Kitty home, I absolutely believe it helped us bond faster as it was something we did together. 

Check out my own Kitty’s favorite puzzle feeders

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So, these are the top 5 benefits of using puzzle feeders for your cat.  Whether you use them every day or only once in a while, your cat is sure to benefit from it.  If you want your cat to stay out of trouble, stay in good health, and be happy, you now know of one way to get there.   

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