Best ways to ensure your cat has a long and healthy life?

Cats bring so much joy in people’s lives.  Depending on the breed, they live between 13-15 years though some, like Persians, can live up to 20 years.  There are many things you can do to help your furry friend live a long and healthy life.  Here are some great tips that might add an extra year or two:

Healthy diet:

Good cat food is essential. Cats are obligate carnivores. You have to feed them high quality animal protein to keep them alive. 

You can do a combination of wet food and dry food which is how I feed my own cat.  If you’re not sure which brand or how much of each you should feed you cat, do ask your vet.  They should be able to calculate the amounts of each to feed you cat daily.  They will also adjust throughout your cat’s life as their health changes. 

You should not give cats any people food as it might contain ingredients that are toxic to cats. 

Makes sure they have access to fresh, clean water at all times. To ensure your furry friend drinks enough water, I suggest you get a water fountain. They prefer flowing water to still water. 

Regular vet care:

Make sure to bring your cat to the vet at least once a year. Ask them about ways to protect your cat from parasites, fleas, ticks, and worms.  Discuss with them the various vaccines your cat should get every year. 

One thing I will add from lived experience, if you feel like your vet is not giving the care you want or something feels off, it’s ok to find a new one. The first clinic I went to refused to give me an appointment, for something the vet tech on their app told me I needed to have checked.  The clinic told me it wasn’t dangerous enough.  That was enough for me to walk away and find a vet that is always willing to see my little friend.

Regular exercise:

Keep your bestie fit by playing with them many times a day for short 5-15 minutes sessions. Use something for them to chase, like a laser pointer. 

Cat shelves and cat trees are a great way to please a cat’s instinct to climb and explore. 

For more on this, check out this article I wrote about recommended exercise routine per age group. 

Hygiene and grooming:

All cats need grooming though some are more high maintenance than others. My American shorthair needs just one brushing a week. A Persian cat would need one a day. 

Some of the benefits of regular brushing sessions includes:

  • Minimization of hairballs
  • Less likelihood of matting for long-haired cats
  • Less hair being left behind on your clothes after a cuddle session
  • Reduction in the need to vacuum the loose hair floating around on your floor

Something else you will need to do is to trim their nails.  If your new pet is a kitten, the earlier you get them used to this the easier it will be later on. 

My cat doesn’t love to get her nails trimmed and she often tries to take her paw away but eventually I get it done.  Something that helps is the treat I give her after I’m done.  

Building a strong bond:

Playing often with your cat can help build a strong bond which helps keep them happy and feeling safe. 

I get how hard it can be to play with your cat when you get home from work. All you want to do is lay on the couch and relax. Choosing the couch too often could make your pet feel neglected. It could make them depressed.  

The bond that you create with your cat can help improve their emotional health.  And that’s a two-way street.  

Nothing makes me feel better after a bad day than to see my cat chase after the laser pointer.  She does these flips against the walls and it’s pretty cool.  So this bond is as beneficial to your cat as it is to you. 

Monitor their weight:

We all see the videos of very obese cats on the socials and they’re meant to be cute and funny but obesity in cats is not something to be entertained with. Your pet may experience some very serious issues, so you should address them as soon as possible. 

If your cat is on the chubby side, do discuss this with your vet.  Some of the side effects of obesity are cancer, diabetes mellitus and heart disease. 

So, I’ll end on this, my cat has become such an important part of my life.  Its so nice to see her run to the door when I come home and I want her to keep doing that for a very long time. 

The best way to keep your own cat coming to say hi is to keep learning about how to keep them happy and healthy.    Following these tips above is a good start. The most important tip is the regular vet visit to detect health issues early.

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