5 Common Cat Sitting Positions and Their Meaning

Cats have a tendency to sit in the weirdest but adorable position which provide hours of entertainment for cat owners.  Sometimes they fall in a deep sleep in those strange positions.  Sometimes, they’re just staring off into space for hours.  Who know what goes through their minds as they casually relax in what would not be for us a comfortable position to relax in? 

My cat often sits in the upright position like a person.  It’s pretty funny to see.  Another thing I find funny is the way she positions her front paws sometimes leaning on one arm the same way a human would lean on their elbows.

Although your feline friend may sit in a certain position simply because it’s comfortable for them, there’s a potential reason that goes deeper than simple comfort level. The position they sit in might provide some valuable insights into how your furry friend is feeling in that moment.  In this article, I’ll describe 10 common cat sitting positions and I will explain why they might be sitting in the way.

The Cat Loaf Position

Cats sitting in this position has been the subject of many internet memes.  Your fur baby is sitting in a cat loaf position when they have their paws and tail tucked underneath them.  They are more likely to loaf in one of their favourite spot.  They often seem to be dozing off as they look around the room with half-closed eyes.  This position makes them look like a loaf of bread hence the name of the position.

Reasons why your cat sits in the cat loaf position

  • Your cat is feeling relaxed and trusts that they are safe
  • They are regulating their body heat by tucking in their extremities
  • Could indicate an injury or health issues depending how the legs are positioned

If your feline companion is seen in a bread loaf position, it’s generally a good thing.  Your cat is happy and completely stress free.  Unless they’re injured in which case you should bring them to the vet right away!

The Sphinx Position

When in this position, your furry companion is almost like in a cat loafing position except that the front legs are extended out.  Just like a sphinx!

Reasons why your cat sits in the sphinx position

  • Your cat is an alert position and looking for potential threats
  • Your cat is in a curious mood looking for something interesting to play with
  • This is a good defensive position since they can easily pounce from this position

Your four-legged friend might sit in this position after a little cat nap.  They are bored and looking for something interesting to chase.  Sitting in the sphinx position with the back legs tucked underneath makes it easy for them to quickly pounce.

The Side Sit Position

The side sit position is the ultimate relaxed posture.  Your feline companion is almost laying on its side though they may be leaning on one front paw like a human leaning on their elbow.  Their rear legs are most likely stretched out. 

Reasons why your cat sits in the side sit position 

  • Your furry friend is feeling relaxed
  • This position allows your cat to feel relaxed while remaining alert
  • Your cat feels safe enough to expose their belly

If your cat is comfortable sitting in this vulnerable position, congrats to you as the cat parent for providing a safe environment.  It is a cat’s natural instinct to never leave their belly exposed as it leaves their vital organs exposed as well.  Cats will sit in such a vulnerable position when they know they’re not under threat. 

The Perched Position

As the title of this section implies, in this sitting position, your cat is usually sitting on a window ledge or a cat tree as an example.  One of the quirky things cats do, is they will sit in the narrowest ledge and somehow be able to make themselves comfortable.  They will often have their hind legs resting on the surface they’re perching on and their front legs hanging off the edge.  Your cat’s tail hanging off of the perch as well.  A perch is a one of the favorite cat’s sleeping spots as it allowed then to get a restful sleep away from potential predators in the wild.

Reasons why your cat sits in the perched position

  • Makes your cat feel secure since they have a better view of their surroundings
  • Allows your cat to assert dominance by sitting the highest
  • Helps them feel in control of their territory

The perched is a favorite among cats as it provides a great high vantage point from which to observe what’s happening around the room.  In a multi-cat home, the cat who is perched the highest is usually the more dominant cat.  Sitting in a perched position is also reminiscent of wild cats siting in tree branches.

The Lap Sit Position

As a cat parent, I can say with complete confidence that to have a cat choose your lap as a place to nap is a true honor.  In the sitting position, the cat may be sitting various position.  The only thing that matters really is that they chose your lap to sit out of anywhere else they could sit. 

My cat is not a lap cat at all but I’m hoping to train her into becoming one. 

Reasons why your cat sits in the lap sit position

  • They trust you
  • They are being affectionate with you
  • They want to build a stronger bong with you

There are various reasons why a cat would choose to sit on their owner’s lap.  As previously mentioned, it helps a cat feel closer to their human.  They may also be looking for some attention.  If they’d like to take a real nap, they may feel safer on their owner’s lap. 

The Curled-Up Position

A cat that is in a curled-up position is usually how a cat sleeps.  They will be curled into a little ball with their tail wrapped around them.  Often, their chin will be resting on their back legs.  A cat’s belly will rarely be exposed as they sleep unless they feel completely safe. 

Reasons why your cat sits in the curled-up position

  • Allows them to control their body temperature
  • Allows them to feel protected and less vulnerable
  • Allows them to feel comfortable

A cat will choose to curl up in a ball as their favorite sleeping position.  This position allows them to retain heat by staying in a compact position.  Since their most important body parts are shielded by their paws and tail, your fur baby should feel safe enough to get some sleep while in this position.  

Give your cat the best view of the room and the outdoors with this window perch

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One of the quirky things about cats is that they seem to like the weird sitting positions.  It’s important to note that every cat is different as is a cat’s behavior.  You can usually read cat’s moods by their body posture including how they sit.  I hope this article has helped shed some light on why your feline friend might choose to sit in a certain way and why they might pick the spot they picked. 

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