Does my cat love me? 7 ways they show affection

How can you tell if your cat loves you?  Ask any cat behavior expert and they’ll tell you that all cats have different personalities.  Because of that, cats have different ways to express affection towards their human family. 

My cat is not much of a lap cat.  I see all these videos on Instagram of cats willingly being cuddled in bed or pawing at their owner to get some pets.  That is not my cat, but she shows me she loves me in different ways. 

From the super affectionate to the cautiously napping nearby, here are 7 sure signs your feline companion loves you:

1.  Through talking

The best sound in the world for all cat parents is when their cat purrs.  It’s a common misconception however that only a happy cat can be heard purring.  If your furry friend seems very alert and stressed, it could be that they need some personal space at that moment.  Most of the time though, a cat purrs because they’re happy.  Keep an eye out for all the other signs mentioned below combined with purring that will confirm they’re happy. 

The way a cat meows can indicate whether they’re happy.  If they meow for you to pet them as an example, it would be in a softer tone. Then, when they’re starving, and you’re exactly 30 seconds late for feeding time!  If they’re essentially asking you to pet them, it’s a sure sign of love. 

Not all cats are as vocal as the Siamese cat but most cats who love their human family members will make a sound called “trilling” around them.  It’s a soft throaty noise and it’s often a cat’s way to make conversation.  They also make that noise as a way to seek attention and affection. 

2.  Through eye contact

Eye contact is another good way your furry friend lets you know they love you.  If they’re purring and looking at you with half-closed eyes it’s a sign of trust.

Slowly blinking is the ultimate way for a cat to say they love you.  If you’re a new cat owner still getting to know your new feline friend, I encourage you to slow blink at them right now.  Slow blinking can help create a close bond with your new pet.

3.  Head bunting

Your cat head butts you as a way to let you know they like you.  Our feline friends are driven by smell and they have scent glands around their cheeks, ears and chin. They rub those areas with a head bonk to spread their smell on you. 

This should be seen as a clear signal of affection.  By transferring their smell onto you, they’re also saying “You’re mine”.  They may also want some physical contact.  A great way to return the affectionate behavior could be to pet them.  They love cheek rubs so they can spread their scent even more.

4.  Kneading

Kneading is a behavior kittens adopt by instinct.  For pet parents who are new to cat parenting, these furry cuties knead by pushing and pulling with their front paws in a rhythmic motion.  They will often do this as they are getting comfortable for a nap or grooming session.  This behavior started at a young age when they would knead the mother cat’s belly to help with milk flow.  They will often keep kneading even as adult cats when they are feeling happy and comfortable. 

If you’re furry friend is kneading on, you should take it as a sign of affection.  Your cat feels a very strong bond with you and is letting you know that you’re a source of comfort to them.  Since they also have scent glands in their paws.  They may be kneading you as another way of marking you as theirs.  Every cat lovers’ wish to be chosen!

5.  Grooming/Licking

Has your furry bestie ever licked your fingers while you were petting them?  Mothers lick their kittens as a way to groom them and show affection.  So, it is natural that your cat’s love language would mimic that of their mother. 

Also, cats will often groom each other as a way to bond with each other.  It could be that your furry pet is doing the same with you.  They’ve accepted you as part of their family and are using the same behavior they would with another cat. 

Another way they show affection by licking you is that they also have scent glands in their mouth.  Are you following the pattern?  They can also mark you as theirs by licking.  You might begin to notice that cats will take any chance they get to let everyone know you’re taken already.  Take it with honor and as a clear sign that you and your cat have a strong relationship.

6.  Showing their belly

If your cat shows you their belly, it’s a good sign they love and trust you.  Cats very rarely expose their belly unless they feel completely safe.  It is their most vulnerable body part since that’s where all their vital organs are located. 

One thing you should be cautious of is just because your feline friends roll over on their backs, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re asking for belly rubs. You can give it a try but pay close attention to their body language and stop as soon as you notice a sign they may not be comfortable. 

7.  Interactive Play

The best way to build a strong bond with your pet is through playing with them.  This is especially true for indoor cats.  If they initiate the play session by bringing you a toy or patting at a laser pointing, for example, it means they want and enjoy spending time with you. 

Since cats can get bored easily, if they choose to play with you rather than throw everything off the counter, it shows they prefer and trust you to provide mental stimulation.  They know you take care of them in the best possible including by keeping them entertained.  The more you play with your fur baby, the more likely they are to develop strong feelings of love for you.   Be sure to always have a solid inventory of fun toys for you and your kitty to play with. 

If you are new at cat parenting and you are trying to figure out if your cat loves you, I hope this article managed to shed some light on how cats express love. Not all cats are affectionate, but they all show you, sometimes in very subtle ways, that they love you so much.  Cats express themselves differently therefore, you just have to get to know their affection style to understand their ways of showing you they love you. 

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