How do I take care of a kitten?

Taking care of a kitten involves a lot more than watching them do all the cute things all the time.  Kittens need a lot of attention, patience and love.  Check out these tips on kitten care to make sure your new bestie grows into a happy and healthy cat:

You must provide a safe environment

As you’re preparing for Kitty’s arrival, there’s a few things you should do to make sure your home is safe for them.  Kittens are very curious and they might get into things they shouldn’t. To prevent an emergency vet visit, put away these things before bringing home a kitten:

  • Any plants that are toxic to cats
  • All cleaning products
  • People food shouldn’t be left on the counter especially toxic foods like chocolate or onions

Store these things in a place where your new kitten cannot get to.  Even a small amount of any of those can be extremely harmful

You must provide a cozy environment

If the kitten you’re bringing home is under 4 months old, watch their temperature closely. Kittens usually stay warm by staying close to their mother. Be sure to provide a source of heat to replace the warmth of their mother.  You also need to provide a cooler space in case they feel too hot. 

If you’re worried your little friend will be too cold, you could get them a self-heating pad like the one in the link.  This pad doesn’t use electricity so you don’t have to worry about you kitten getting electrocuted.  I suggest getting the bigger size so they can keep using them as adults.  

Keep your new little friend warm and cozy with this machine washable self heating pad

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Like adult cats, kittens need structures to scratch, climb, and hide in. Cats get scared sometimes and need a place to hide.  A cat condo is a perfect way to provide a sense of safety for your new best friend. 

You must provide healthy nutritious food

Kittens need a different diet than adult cats.  Talk with your vet about what your fur baby should eat at different stages of growth leading up to one year old.

Typically, they start off drinking a milk replacement formula. You should slowly introduce them to canned and dry food as you ween them off the milk.  They should also always have a source of fresh water. 

Feeding schedules will start at every 2-4 hours.  As they get past 6 months old, they should eat 2-3 times a day. If you’re not too sure or forget what the vet said, the kitten food packaging will provide guidelines. They are really helpful. 

You might need to teach your kitten to use the litter Box

The first thing you should do when you get home with your kitten is to show them where their litter box is. Cats usually know by instinct how to use the litter box. But, if your new friend seems a little overwhelmed by this new place, you might have to put them in the box at first. 

Make sure the opening for the box is not too high.  Your kittens’ little paws may not allow her to get in.  Scoop out the waste at least once a day to keep the box germ free.   

You have to take your kitten to visit the Vet

You need to bring your kitten to see the vet as soon as possible after bringing them home. Your vet will assess your kitten’s health. They will talk to you about deworming, parasites, and common infections cats get.

You will need to go to the vet at least once a year to get your cat vaccinated. If they’re not spayed or neutered yet, your vet will suggest doing it at 6 months old. Or, the earlier the better if your kitten is older. 

Also, consider getting your new kitten microchipped in case they escape and get lost. 

You will form a bond with your kitten through playtime

It’s very important during kittenhood to socialize them. “Socializing” is when you introduce your cat to new people and places. This helps them learn proper social behaviour. While it is possible to socialize a cat at any age, starting the process as early as 4 weeks old makes it much easier.  During this process, you can slowly start petting them and picking them up. Eventually, when they are nearly a year old, you should introduce your new best friend to many people.

Playing with your kitten is the best way to bond with them.  Make sure to have a variety of toys you can rotate to provide a stimulating environment. If you’re not sure which toy to get, check out this article.  It should help.  Having many scratching posts, and rewarding your kitten for using them will discourage your pet from scratching your furniture.  

Coming home with your new kitten is sure to bring lots of joy and laughter.  But you will need to be patient as they grow older and start exploring their environment. Play with them often. Use rewards to teach them the behaviour you want them to adopt. Also, give them lots of attention and love to ensure they become very happy adult cats.  

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