How to “Catify” your home?

There’s no better way to show your cat how much you love them than by “catifying” your home. This means making your home safe for your fury friend, by removing anything harmful to them. Then, adding things that make it fun and stimulating. 

Cats have a reputation for being a super low maintenance pet. This can make cat parents think their cat is fine with just one bed on the living room floor. And, a couple of toy mice is enough to meet all their play needs.  The truth is that cats need a lot more than that to develop their body and mind as much as possible. 

Because cats love to climb and scratch

Some people might cringe at the idea of getting a cat tree but it’s pretty much a need for your furry friend.  What’s one sure way to make your furry friend very happy?  Putting a cat tree in front of a window.  Seeing what’s going on outside can keep them busy for a long time.  If there’s no space for a cat tree, a window perch can be just as good.  Just make sure it will hold your cat’s weight. 

Want to take it a step further? Build your cat the ultimate playground, by putting shelves and perches on your walls.  Cats love to observe from a high point and these shelves will allow them to observe from so many angles. If you can’t install such a system, putting a cat bed on taller furniture can do the trick. It lets your pet know that they are welcome in that space and might enjoy taking a nap in a quieter spot. 

Cats need to scratch for many reasons:

  • keep their nails sharp
  • mark their territory
  • relieve stress

For that reason, it’s important to provide many scratching options in the home. If they start to scratch your furniture, you can put a post nearby. It will encourage them to stop. If there’s not much room for many scratching posts, you can get a wall-mounted scratch pad. It works just as well.

Because cats tend to get bored between naps

Cats get bored easily and usually, destruction follows a bored kitty. That’s when they’re most likely to shove things off the shelves. Or, they jump on the counter hoping to find something to eat.  They do this to get your attention and they know exactly what will get an instant reaction from you. 

That’s the best time to start playing with your cat.  Having a wide selection of toys on rotation is the best way to keep your furry friend entertained.  Different cats prefer different toys so you might have to try a few to find which one your cat prefers. 

The only toys that have kept my cat entertained so far is the laser pointer and wand toys.  She has little pompom balls and mice and those little plastic spirals.  Usually she’ll play with them the first week I get them but her interest goes away quickly.  Maybe she prefers to play with me rather than playing alone. 

Because cats can be picky 

Be sure to put their litter box in a private but accessible area.  It’s recommended that you get one box per cat plus one to spare.  I only have the one and luckily, my cat took to it and the litter I chose with no issues. 

On a side note, if your cat is pooping somewhere they shouldn’t, they’re trying to tell you something is wrong.  If after you’ve change the litter and or the litter box, the problem doesn’t stop, take them to the vet. This could be serious. They’re not doing it to annoy you.  The sooner you take them to the vet, the earlier they can detect an illness, the easier it is fix. 

Because some things are toxic to your cat

Here are 5 things that could really hurt your pet:

  • Some plants like lilies and aloe vera
  • Cleaning products like bleach and detergent
  • Human medication
  • Some foods like chocolate and onions
  • Any object resembling string or small items that your cat could swallow

I hope this article inspires you to give your fur baby more space at home. catifying your home is beneficial to both your cat and you.  It keeps your pet happy, entertained and comfortable.  It also keeps them from getting bored and wreaking havoc around your house.  I encourage you to get one new thing that will enrich your best friend’s environment today.  

This cat tower with condo scratching post and ramp is sure to keep your cat happy

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