How to train a cat? Cat training tips for beginners
You can train an indoor cat, but it might not be as easy as dog training. It depends on your cat’s personality. Cats are usually independent. They may not be into cat training unless they have the right motivation. Not all kitties have the same motivation. Cat parents will have to try different rewards to see what’s the best way to entice their feline friend to train.
My cat loves food rewards but I’ve yet to find a type of cat treat she’ll do anything for. Some furry friends don’t care about food which makes the job of a cat trainer a little harder. They will have to find something else that might motivate their cat. Perhaps, a pet or some verbal praise would work.
The key to training your cat is to understand their natural behavior. You must understand what they say through body language. This understanding will help you gauge better when it’s a good time to train and what your cat’s pace of learning is. You’ll also be able to tell if they’re uncomfortable during training sessions.
There are many strategies that can help your furry friend gain some obedience skills and stop unwanted behavior. You might be training your cat to use the litter box or scratching post. Or, you might want to stop destructive behavior or teach fun tricks. Here are some tips to help with training.
Use positive reinforcement to train your cat
The most effective way to train a cat is using positive reinforcement training. Rewarding your fur baby to motivate them to train by using tasty treats. Try out different ones to find your cat’s favorite treats. You will want to give them that treat only when training them.
One thing you should never do is punish a cat for their bad behavior. They don’t understand punishment. If you start spraying your kitty with water after they jump on the kitchen counter, they won’t understand why you’re spraying them. Punishing them is a great way to have the opposite of a cat’s desirable behaviour.
Role of Positive Reinforcement when cat training:
- Increases the likelihood to catch your cat’s attention
- Increases the chances of your cat in adopting positive behavior
- Increases the speed at which your cat will learn the desired behavior
Clicker training cats
Using a clicker to train your cat is a useful tool and can be a lot of fun. Basically, the clicker makes a clicking sound when pressed, which you would press at the exact moment when your cat does the action you are training them to take and you reward them for that action. Your furry friend eventually associates the sound of the clicker to good things coming and understands what to do to make it happen.
The first thing you’ll need to get started is to build a cat training kit. If you’re not sure what you should include in the kit, here’s a list of everything you’ll need:
- Clicker
- Special treat reward
- Your cat’s favourite toy
- Target stick
- Something like a cat tree or perch that will be their spot to stand on
- A quiet place with no background noise
The first step when clicker training is to practice using the clicker. If it’s easier for you, there are lots of kits you can buy that come with everything you need to get started including an instruction book. It’s important to train your cat in small steps. If they stop having fun because what you’re trying to teach them is too hard, they’ll simply walk away. As your cat gets used to clicker training, you will be able to teach them new tricks. This training is a great way to spend time with your four-legged friend. It will help you build a stronger bond. Clicker training also provides great mental stimulation.
Check out this basic cat training kit which includes an instruction manual
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Be consistent when training your cat
The key to successful training is to keep a consistent routine. Kitties like to know that things will happen at the same time each day. This is especially true for the older cat. You can notice this if you sleep in past their feeding time on the weekend.
My cat will let me sleep maybe 20 minutes past but then she’ll start meowing, reminding me that she’s the boss. She decides when I get to sleep. It’s a good thing she’s cute!!! She also does things in pretty much the same way. When we play with the laser pointer, she’ll often run in the same pattern around the room. This happens even if I change where I point the laser. She also seems to know when she usually eats. She often wakes up from naps at the right time though it’s possible she wasn’t really sleeping.
Include training sessions in a consistent schedule. For example, a short training session works great for cats with a shorter attention span. Your cat might be more responsive to training, if you keep it fun by using the right treat they love.
Be patient when training your cat
You might also need to keep your sessions short to avoid getting frustrated. Your fur baby may not listen after 10 minutes. So, try many 5-minute sessions instead of one long one.
Start with simple behaviour training such as getting your cat to sit on command with a hand signal. Then you can get them used to training and how the clicker works. This is when understanding your furry friend’s body language can come in handy. Things to look for:
- Your cat’s posture
- What their tail is doing
- The way their ears are facing
- How dilated their pupils are
These are all the ways a cat communicates with their human. By learning your cat’s language, you can form a stronger bond and avoid lots of frustrations. This might make your furry friend want to train with you more. You’ll also know when your cat is getting stressed. You can then end the session on a happy note by giving them a final treat and some praise for a job well done!
Are there cat breeds that are more trainable?
Do you want to become a first-time cat parent? Do you want a cat you can train to do tricks? You might wonder if some cat breeds are more trainable. What exactly makes some cats more trainable than others? Here are some traits to look for:
Very smart cats, like the Main Coon, enjoy training. It gives them much-needed mental stimulation. They’re such intelligent cats that training seems easy and fun to them. So, it makes sense that they’d be more receptive to cat training.
Another trait that can help determine a cat’s trainability is their temperament. Cats like the Abyssinian are easier to train. This is because they are very social and curious. They enjoy spending time with their human. So, they are naturally predisposed to like an activity they can do with them, like cat training.
A third trait that can help determine how easily a cat can be trained is how much they talk with their owner. Some cats like the Siamese are more vocal than other cat breeds. This might make them more open to verbal cues. This could make it easier for them to understand training than less verbal kitties.
How strong of a bond a cat and their owner have can make that cat more easily trainable. Sphynx cats love to be with their owner. So, they enjoy training because it means they get their owner’s full attention, which they love.
Cat training is essentially a form of play. So, it makes sense that cats, like Bengals, are more trainable. They love to play with their owner.
So, in conclusion, it is possible to train your cat. Some breeds enjoy training. They see it as a way to bond with their owner. Another benefit of training is that it gives your cat the mental stimulation it craves. In the same way, they enjoy hunting, they also enjoy trying to figure things out. Such as when they’re using a puzzle feeder.
If you are trying to decide whether to train your cat, I hope my article has inspired you to give it a try. The most important thing is to keep training a fun activity for you and your furry friend.